Saturday, 20 October 2012

Brand New Format, Same Great Read!

Thumbnail for Wonder Abbie Vs Steve

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've been re-working the format for Wonder Abbie so the art fits better in a web browser. Up there is the rough pencil layout for the first part of Wonder Abbie Vs Steve (Steve is Abbie's creepy workmate in her regular day job but is also something of a nemesis too). Once I'm happy with the layout I'll scan the image into Paint Shop Pro and/or Manga Studio and ink over it digitally. I should then be left with a much cleaner image than the previous Wonder Abbie mini-comic.  Manga Studio is very useful in saving time scanning and cleaning up pages but I still prefer the feel of pencil and paper. Oh well, you can't stop the march of technological progress, I suppose.
Anyway, more layouts and behind the scenes stuff to come.     

Sunday, 14 October 2012


Popped along to the EMS in London last weekend to see what it had to offer. It's organised by the same people that run the London Film and Comic Con, is set in the same venue and features a lot of the same exhibitors. And yet it felt like it was a much smaller convention. Not all of the venue space was used and there didn't seem to be the same numbers coming through the doors as LFCC. I hope it was financially worth it for all the exhibitors and small press guys.
Cosplayers were there as usual but nothing outstanding bar the Alien costume and old school Cylon shown above. There was a cool Psylocke there but I think she must have used her ninja skills to avoid my camera!

One thing you can usually rely on at these conventions is a few "cool finds". I met the super talented Huy Truong ( and found this very sexy Wonder Woman colour sketch amongst the art he had for sale. If he was on the Wonder Woman series I would definitely start reading it.

Then I found this stall that had what seemed to be bootlegged DVDs. Not only did I pick up a copy of the 1970s Dr Strange movie but I also found a whole bunch of live action super heroine DVDs by  Cult Retro ( They feature the awesome Nicola Rae as Stormy Tempest and Nyoka The Jungle Girl in fun but sexy heroine peril adventures. I think I picked up what amounts to Stormy Tempest  season 1 (I think season 4 is currently in production) and I cannot recommend it highly enough. "Smokin' Rockets!" has already become my new catchphrase (not that I had a old one).

Anyway, EMS doesn't really have enough going for it to make it worth attending both this and LFCC next year; not unless the organisers can expand on the comics side of things for 2013. Having guys like Chris Claremont and Dan Slott attend is great but we need more of that calibre of guest as well as lots more small press guys. that convention season done now or are there anymore?  

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Crikey! Just where has the time gone? And I haven't even been having much fun. So much for that old sayin'. I have not just been glued to the telly watching the London 2012 Olympics, by the way. I've been tinkering around with the format for the first issue proper of  Wonder Abbie, having decided that the standard comic book page format does not necessarily work best for a web browser. So ish # 1 continues to be a work in progress. What we have in the meantime is a Wonder Abbie mini adventure - Wonder Abbie in Peril! There will also be some new charcter sketches up here real soon, too. Enjoy!